Ability to take a part in lessons.
Interest about the game.
Aims of the subject: Pick up the basic skating skills.
Use skating like a leisure sport.
Introduction to ice hockey.
Understanding the basic technical - tactical game principles.
Ability to applicate the game for needs of sport and leisure.
Subject matter: Basic skating:
Elements of figure skating, speed skating.
Games and competitions on the icefield.
Ice hockey:
Individual skills, combinations, playing systems, match.
Rules, refree, organization of the match, tournament.
Modification of the game.
Students methodical appearance.
Indicative reading: Dobrý, L.: Didaktika sportovních her Praha, SPN 1988
Pravidla ledního hokeje, Praha, Olympia
Šafařík, V. a kol.: Teorie a metodika bruslení, uč. texty UK, Praha 1985
Ondřej, O. a kol.: Rekreační sport II, odd. bruslení, Olympia, Praha 1988