Subject: Anthropology of Tourism (ACR)
Lecturer: Dr. Hana Novotná, Ph.D.
The course will examine the impact of tourism on changing social realities. Anthropological theories will provide a unique framework because of its holistic approach. Lectures will include the following subjects:
Week 1: Introduction to the course. Tourism
in social sciences. Interdisciplinarity
of tourism. Relations between tourism and anthropology.
Week 2: Terminology, typology. Theoretical
framework of tourism. Methodology. Major topics in anthropology of tourism.
Major authors.
Week 3: Historical development of tourism in Europe
and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic.
Week 4: Tourism as ritual and form of religion:
sacred character of tourism; tourism as pilgrimage. Authenticity, heritage,
escapism, ´exotic other´.
Week 5: From nature to culture. Tourism as cultural
commoditisation. Ethnic villages, folklore, tradition.
Week 6: Latest trends in tourism.
Week 7: Relationship between hosts and guests.
Psycho-social motivations.
Week 8: Tourism and space. New forms of urban and
rural tourism. Tourist gaze.
Week 9: Representations of international tourism.
Week 10: Case studies – third world tourism.
Week 11: Tourism and ekology. Eco-tourism,
sustainable tourism, safe tourism.
Week 12: Tourism and sociocultural change.
Globalisation, tourism and terrorism.
Week 13: Final consolidation
Assessment strategy and method: exam
1) Students will undertake micro-fieldwork focusing on the enlargement of the EU and its affects on tourism. The outcome will be a written report.
2) Oral presentation of a case study in tourism.
Compulsory reading:
Crick, Malcolm (1989) Representations of international tourism in the social sciences: Sun, Sex, Sights, Savings, and Servility. Annual Rev. Anthropol., 18: 307 – 344.
Harrison, David
(ed) (2001) Tourism and the less developed world : issues and case studies.
London : CABI publishing.
Jafari, Jafar
(2001) Encyclopedia of tourism. London
: Routledge.
Lew, Alan A., Hall, C. Michael a
Allan M. Williams (2004) A Companion to Tourism. Blackwell.
Meethan, Kevin (2001) Tourism in Global Society: place, culture, consumption. New York: Palgrave.
Rojek, Chris a John Urry (eds.) (1997) Touring Cultures. Transformation of travel and theory. London: Routledge.
Smith, Valene L. (ed.) (1989). The Anthropology of Tourism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Urry, John (1990) The Tourist Gaze: Leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage.