Subject :  DEM  - Elements of demography                                                 4.r. / 8.s.           2 / 0



Referee of the subject :  Doc. PaedDr. Jiří Štyrský, Csc.                                           update: 1/9/2005


Credits :  2                                                                                       



Expectations :

Basic knowledge about geography and ability to apply knowledge of sociology, psychology and history. Interest in this problem.



Aim of the subject :

Create general summary of structure and progress of population and conduct to ability to critize current trends in geography and sociology connections for management of travel and tourism industry.



Subject matter :

1.       Demography, biosocial character of demographic phenomena

2.       Resources and constructions of demographic indicators, population policy

3.       Number, dislocation and demographic structure of population

4.       Starting point for social, law and ethnical structure of population

5.       Social move as a result of social and economic structure progress

6.       Spatial structure and causes of population migration

7.       Character and causes of naturalistic reproduction, health and lifestyle

8.       Household as a unit of demographic analysis in the society

9.       Historical demography of the Czech countries

10.   Population projection in the Czech Republic in 2030-2050

11.   Present condition and developing prognosis of world´s population

12.   Demographic resources in management of travel and tourism industry



Finalization :




Recommended literature :

Veselá, J.: Demografie I.- II., učební text FES Univerzity Pardubice, 2001

Kol.: Dějiny obyvatelstva českých zemí, Mladá fronta – Patriae, Praha 1996

Kol.: Demografie (nejen) pro demografy. SLON, Praha 1993

Roubíček, V.: Úvod do demografie, Codex Bohemia, Praha 1997

Vallin, J.: Světové obyvatelstvo, Academia, Praha 1992

Demografie – revue pro výzkum populačního vývoje, ČSÚ, Praha (vychází 4x ročně)