Thematic circuits to SZZ (state final exam) – subject MNGR



DKCR (History of culture in tourism)

  1. Architectural monuments from the era of Roman Empire except the area of  nowadays Italy and its importace for tourism. /France, Sicily, Turkey and North Africa/
  2. Renaissance – comparison of art heritage from Italy with  tle rest of Europe / France, Germany, Netherlands, Bohemian  countries/
  3. Architectural heritage of European Gothic – cathedral as a collection of symbols of Medieval culture  /point out similar and dissimilar characters of various buildings-cathedrals; typical characters of czech gothic architecture
  4. Feedback of Byzantine culture except tle centre of Medieval Empire / Italy, Greece and Greece Islands, Bulgaria, Russia/
  5. Typical characters of Arabian culture in  European culture, especially in architecture / Andalusia, South Potugal, Malta, Cyprus/
  6. European and colonial Baroque – forms and dissimilarities, types of buildings, symboles of baroque elements, cultivation of landscape, urbanization; Baroque in Bohemian countries
  7. Art Noveau – typical symbols of  the culture of the turn of 19th and 20th century – similarities and dissimilarities, famous persóna of Art Noveau /Vienna, Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, Prague,…/
  8. Variations in architecture in 20th and 21st century/ materials, approaches to ecology, connection between traditional and modern architecture; architecture and tourism /airports, hotel komplexes, convention centres, sport facilities, museums and galleries


GCR (Geography of travel movement)

  1. Potential tourist and recreation Southern Europa and North Africa
  2. Western (Oceanic) and Nothern Europa – comparation and possibilites cognitional excursion.
  3. Central and Eastern Europe – pontetial tourist
  4. Stylish areas tourist and recreation in Sothwest Asia. Religions tourism.
  5. Potential tourist southern, southeasterly and easter Asia. Modeling state: Tahiland
  6. Areas Afričan tourist and recreation. Natural parks in Africa
  7. Confrontation potential tourist nordthern, modele and southern America. Indians Civilization
  8. Wherewith attract region Australia and Oceania. Antarctic area in tourism faunistic specialities in antarctic area.




GCRCR (Geography  of Czech republic travel movement)

  1. Position  of Czech republic in international tourism,  conditions and particular specialities, SWOT analysis
  2. Natural and social  sources of travel trade, regional groundwork, economics indices, evolution trends, actual problems, support and conception of tourism development
  3. Thematic possibilities of travelling potential usage, geographical characteristic and classification, protected territory complexes and sights, international meaning
  4. Czech capital Prague as holiday centre of Czech lands and universal destination, thematice possibilities, probléme and prognosis
  5. Conventional and perspective Czech lands destinations, travel trade expansion in regions, euro-eligible regions, frontier region tourism, target and in-transit possibilities
  6. Tourist potential of single touring regions, geographical structure and thematic possibilities of tourist traffic, areas and holiday centres, influence on region development
  7. Specific possibilities of Czech republic travel movement, important locations, tourist business midlands and ganglions, traditions, specialities, actions and tourist attractions
  8. Territorial and classification futures of tourist industry development, instances of landscapes and objects restructuring, examples of  evolution trends   


GPSY (Geopsychology)

  1. Psychology as a subject important for tourism and it´s relation to other subject fields.
  2. Contemporary era character and it´s relation to traveling. Plurality of  the world and understanding this phenomen.
  3. Space, place and time. Their relations and importace both in everyday life and traveling.
  4. Cognitive/mental maps. Features, understanding, and importace in traveling.
  5. Home and other importatnt places phenomena. Genius loci.
  6. Required psychological traits and knowledge of the guides and  and other professionals in tourism.
  7. Kinds of traveling.
  8. Group and individual tourist treating by guide and delegate. Typology. The most frequent problems, conflicts.




KGE  (Comparative geography and economy)

  1. The meaning and objectives of  comparative geography in tourism - the principles of comparative methods, types of geographic comparations, the concept of comparative advantage.
  2. Comparison of the economic development of the United States and Japan as a certain model.
  3. Comparison of current human cultures - Huntingtonovy cultural civilization macro their basic specifications and criticism.



KMA (Marketing a management of non-profit-making sector)

  1. Civil society and non – profit – making sector (historical connection non – profit –making sector, culture and ekonomy, cultural policy)
  2. Mission non – profit – making organization (main characters non – profit – making organization, legislature, typology NGO, tools, resources)
  3. Financial resources non – prfit – making organization, finanial management (plan and budget, taation in non – profit – making areas)
  4. Fundraising (philosophically, Metod and techniques)
  5. Grant – in – aid allocation and philosophy abtaining grants
  6. Public relation non – profit – making organization (annual register, communication whit public)




MPRAP (Methodology of guide service)


  1. Exercise guide in contemporary tourism, typology and range of activities, personal and qualifying groundwork, evolutionary trends
  2. Labour relations, basic office, phase and content of guide disposition on tour, documentation guide work
  3. Methodology guide work  in the single periods realization of the tour and stay, proceedings programs, dealing with client
  4. Style of guide's work, procedure of communication and social protocol, moral and legal liability, professional ethics
  5. Procedure work on drainage services, organizational and preventative measures, verification qualities, range and levels of services
  6. Preparation word manifestation of guide, interpretation and feed of information, elements marketing investigation, distribution of informatice materials
  7. Dealing with suppliers of services, start work, solving exacting and extraordinary situations, social accident damage, necessary improvise of guide
  8. Specific elements of Methodists and techniques guide work, particular knowledge and acquirements, possibilities of special growth, specialization and personalities development





SMVZ (The political geography and international relations)

1)      The causes, development and solution of contemporary international conflicts, the most serious conflicts in present world.

2)      Geopolitical development and international relations in the world in 2nd half of  20th century.

3)      The position of the Czech Republic in the latest world.



TCR (Theory and technology of travel movement)

  1. Notion of travel movement, conditions of formation and development, basic nomenclature, approaches to analysis and typology
  2. Constituent parts of travel movement, thein structural terms and development, exercise and function in society
  3. Character of needs and consumption in tourist traffic resources satisfaction needs, specialities of consumption, hierarchy system of needs
  4. Essence, characteristic and classification of tourist services, character and function subjects of services, products of tourist business
  5. Potential of tourism and his composition, classification of basic presumptions, infrastructure of travel trade, possibilities of influence on development of region
  6. Techniques resources of single services industry, organizational elements, specialities and products, standardization of services
  7. Packages of services at production of travel offices, travel agencies, informatice centres and services works, programme production, package tour working, evolutionary trends, forecasting’s and perspectives
  8. Technology of unique and supplemental services, exercise and possibilities animation of services, cross-disciplinary applications and thein theoretic resources in exemplary

