State exam: Software technologies

Academic year: 2013/2014


1.    Logical programming  structure, essential terminology, list of data structures, Prolog database. Comparison with structural or object-oriented programming, some possibilities of the use a non-procedural programming language.

2.    Database architecture. Database systems (DBS). Main functionalities of DBS. History of evolution of DBS. Data models. Relational algebra: projection, selection, and join functions. SQL.

3.    Conceptual modelling. The E-R model and its graphical representation. Relational model. Types of relationships among entities and their representation in the relational model. Characteristics of a relational table. Normal forms of relational scheme.

4. Ontological engineering: ontologies in the context of computer science (usage of ontologies), essential elements of ontology, types of ontologies, ontology languages, design patterns, normalization ontology. Inference with ontology (consistency checking, classification), tools.

5. Semantic web: semantic web technologies, metadata, ontologies for the semantic web, inference in the semantic web, search engines, semantic web-based applications.

6. Topic Maps: Topic Maps standard and its parts, essential elements of the topic map structure, topic maps implementation (syntaxes, tools), topic maps querying, inference with topic maps, topic maps applications.

7.    Object-oriented modelling and programming  essential terminology, principles and applications. Software process. UML. Event-driven programming.

8.    Processing of the sequences - data structures, usage, principle of implementation, algorithms (sorting, searching) in selected programming language.

9.    Solution the issue of persistent data storage in selected programming language.

10. Web applications  principles and tools. Multi-tier applications. Security policy related to web applications.

11. Essential algorithms of computer graphics  methods of visualization, visibility and illumination, methods of representation of graphical information, OPENGL.

12. Basic principles of image processing and image recognition  methods of scanning, pre-processing, segmentation and classification of the image, raster image formats, compression, color and color models.

13. Algorithms on graphs. A depth-first and breadth-first search algorithms, and the use of the search on graphs in solution of other problems.  




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