Subject: Anatomy I. + II.

Date of modernization: 25.4.1994


The listener knows construction of human body with specialy

respect on the movement and movemen device. He must knows what

happens in organism during exercising and he must give reasons

for convenient and inconvenient exercising. He knows health

meaning of exercise and meaning topical health prevention. He

knows main muscles in human body and their activity at physicaly

exercise. (Motor held, motor move, agonist, antagonists,

synergists.) He describes construction of muscles and its kinds

according to motion.


The anatomy - costituent of biological sciences, the foundation

of emtoysiology. The cell, the foundation of cytology and

genetics. The lining membrane, muscle and nervous tissue. The

foundation of descriptive anatomy and terminology, common science

about skelets, connections and muscles. The skeletor of axisly,

skulles, limbs, muscles of body tribe and limbs. The introduction

to kinesiology and functionaly anatomy. Anatomy the next organes

(digestion, breathing, urinary and sexual organism , system of

glands and inner secretion, blood, morfology of heart ). Blood -

circulation and saply system. The system of nerves skintion and

central, sensuouses organism.


1. Fleischman J. - Linc R. : Anatomie èlovìka. Praha, SPN 1964

2. Dylevsk˜ I. - Trojan S. : Somatologie . Praha, Avicenum 1990